Leverage Metrics to Build and Manage Strong Partnerships

In today’s volatile business landscape, partnerships are crucial to breaking out of poor economic cycles, innovating quickly, and achieving long-term success. The right relationships can open doors to new markets, drive expansion in existing markets, accelerate revenue growth, and improve customer retention. To effectively manage partnerships, you’ll need to cultivate suitable relationships by identifying, recruiting, and prioritizing resources, without compromise. I know this can seem complex. Fortunately, utilizing key metrics and principles will both simplify execution and optimize results. 

Let’s explore how to leverage metrics to build and manage your partnerships practice.

Partnership Principles to Live By

Did you know that typically, one partner or partner type isn’t solely responsible for driving higher deal sizes? Often, strategic, channel, and technology partnerships are all contributing factors. Don’t fall into the oversimplification trap of concentrating all your resources on a single partner or partner type. Instead, use data to identify all the partners that consistently contribute to larger deals.

Find and Focus on High-Impact Partners

Identify the partners that consistently contribute to a higher win rate. Once you identify the high-impact partners, make them a priority in your partnership strategies. To understand what makes these partnerships successful, analyze the characteristics of the partnerships, such as industry expertise, complementary solutions, and target market alignment.

Collaborate for Growth

Collaborate with partners who boost your win rate and drive revenue growth to create joint sales and marketing initiatives. Work closely with these partners, exploring how you can enhance the value of your joint offerings. To create compelling solutions that solve specific customer challenges, collaborate on product development, integrations, and go-to-market execution. After identifying the partnerships that contribute to larger deals, adapt your marketing and sales strategies to highlight the added value these strategic partners bring to the table. Ensure that your CMO is aware and committed to developing targeted campaigns, co-branded content, and joint events showcasing how your partnership attracts new customers. 

Optimize Sales Processes

Engage with your CRO and RevOps to analyze your sales processes and determine the strategies that work well with high-performing partners. Identify the key factors that contribute to success, such as sales enablement, programmatic communication, aligned incentives, and seamless integration of solutions. These are the best practices and processes you’ll want to apply across your partnerships to improve overall partner program performance. Get obsessed with process improvement.

Use this chart to familiarize yourself with core metrics function-by-function. Knowing how your ecosystem contributes to and can positively influence these will metrics help you gain friends and influence others – for good.

Functions, Metrics, and Use Cases




Use Case


Co-marketing Campaign Engagement

Track metrics like website traffic, social media engagement, and lead generation from co-marketing campaigns.

Website traffic from co-marketing campaigns, social media impressions/engagement, number of co-branded events, leads generated from co-marketing activities.

Brand Awareness

Measure the increase in brand awareness and reach through the partnership.

Brand search volume, share of voice, media mentions, social media following.

Co-branded Content Performance

Analyze the performance of co-branded content, such as webinars, whitepapers, or case studies.

Downloads of co-branded whitepapers/ ebooks, webinar registrations and attendance, video views, case study reads.


Revenue Contribution

Monitor the revenue generated from partnership-related sales.

Percentage of revenue generated by partnerships, total revenue from partnership-sourced deals.

Lead Conversion Rate

Track the conversion rate of leads sourced through the partnership.

Conversion rate of marketing qualified leads (MQLs) to sales qualified leads (SQLs), conversion rate of SQLs to closed-won deals.

Deal Size and Cycle Length

Analyze the average deal size and sales cycle length.

Average deal size from partnership-driven sales, average sales cycle length for partnership-driven opportunities.


Product Adoption and Usage

Measure the adoption and usage of your products by your partner’s customers or vice versa.

Number of partner’s customers using your product, usage metrics (e.g., active users, feature adoption).

Integration Performance & Reliability

Track metrics related to the performance and reliability of product integrations between partners.

API response times, uptime, error rates, data synchronization success rates.

Customer Satisfaction

Gauge customer satisfaction with the combined product or service offering.

Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer satisfaction scores, product ratings, customer feedback.


Partner Onboarding & Enablement Resources

Track the time and resources required for partner onboarding and enablement.

Time to onboard new partners, partner certification completion rates, utilization of enablement resources.

Partner Support Metrics

Monitor support requests, resolution times, and customer satisfaction related to the partnership.

Number of support tickets from partner’s customers, average resolution time, customer satisfaction with support.

Process & Workflow Efficiency

Measure the efficiency of processes and workflows related to the partner program.

Cycle time for partner-related processes (e.g., deal registration, co-selling approvals), process automation rates.

For a successful partnership practice, your entire organization needs to commit to the initiative. And alignment on an executive level will enable the partner team to maintain its focus where it should be – on the partners. Use this chart to manage your conversations with executives, using data-centric language that’s relevant to them. 




Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)

CEOs gauge the overall success and health of the partnership program using high-level financial metrics and relationship metrics. These metrics are used to assess the strategic value and impact of the partnerships on the overall business.

Financial Metrics: Revenue Contribution, ROI, Cost Savings


Relationship Metrics: Partner Satisfaction, Executive Alignment

Chief Operating Officers (COOs)

COOs ensure the partnership program is running smoothly and efficiently by focusing on the operational metrics. These metrics are used to identify bottlenecks, optimize processes, and allocate resources effectively.

Operational Metrics: Partner Onboarding and Enablement, Support Metrics, Process Efficiency 

Time and Resources for Partner Onboarding and Enablement, and Process Efficiency

Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs)

CMOs rely heavily on marketing metrics to measure the impact of co-marketing efforts and the partnership’s contribution to brand awareness and lead generation.

Marketing Metrics: Co-marketing Engagement, Brand Awareness, Content Engagement

Chief Revenue Officers (CROs)

CROs use sales metrics to evaluate the partnership’s direct impact on revenue generation and sales pipeline.

Sales Metrics: Revenue Contribution, Lead Conversion Rate, Deal Size, and Cycle Length

Vice Presidents / Directors of Channel Sales 

These roles measure the performance of the partner channel and optimize channel sales’ strategies by examining sales metrics.

Sales Metrics: Revenue Contribution, Lead Conversion Rate, Deal Size, and Cycle Length

Vice Presidents / Directors of Product Management

Product Management leaders ensure the partnership delivers a seamless and high-quality product experience for customers by focusing on product metrics.

Product Metrics: Product Adoption and Usage, Integration Performance, Customer Satisfaction

Ready to leverage metrics to build and manage your partnerships practice more effectively? Focus on high-performing partners, collaborate on joint initiatives, and tailor your marketing and sales efforts to maximize your company’s strength, your partners’ strengths, and ultimately your combined strengths. And remember that successful partnerships require continual nurturing, transparent communication, and analysis of agreed goals. 

With an understanding of influence and deal size principles, you’re well positioned to develop a partnership management strategy that drives long-term success. These principles support data-driven decisions, the effective allocation of resources, and the adaptation of your strategies to changing market conditions.

Let Drag37.io help you with focusing partnerships, streamlining execution, and optimizing results.